Saturday 12 January 2013

Why ???

Why do I want to be a slim and in healthy weight range ?
I HATE my fat rolls, I despise it ! It makes me sick hanging there !! That is the main reason I want to lose weight, for vanity and to feel pretty and good in myself. Secondly I want to be healthy I want to be well and not over weight !

Why do I sabotage myself ?!
I think I get into a mode of ohh well I can do it next week or I can start again next week but this attitude needs to change, I have to try and "fix" it after the point or the next meal or day. I also have to stop setting myself up for failure and track and be accountable ALL the time.
Why is this so important to me ?

Why do I lose my control ?
I think it's stress .. The house stuff my family stuff all add up, but eating my feelings, that's really not helping me as then I get annoyed at myself for that as well, and it adds to the stress. I also think at times I get sick of being on a diet, like completely over it, then I remind myself it's not a diet it's a lifestyle! It is how I want to live and be and what's want for myself, then why do I not focus on that!

Why the excuses ?
I use them to explain away things, I am the only one who is accountable to my eating, W never ever says anything and would never. But sometimes I wish he would think but at the end of the day ... These are MY choices these are the things I want. So excuses no more. Do or do not there is no try!

What are you going to do now, give up or CHANGE?!
I have to change to create the outcomes I want in my life I have make choices not to live this way. I need to exercise it helps with my stress relief and helps me manage my food intake.

WEIGH IN - 94.7 @ weight watchers (95.2 @ home )

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