Friday 29 March 2013


We are in Dunedin for the weekend looking forward to seeing my family

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Nothing like trying on ur skinny clothes to make you go !! Yup gotta get my arse back in these ! So I tried on the skinny jeans I brought at Xmas, can't do em up and my beloved never really fitted the, properly Levi's, neither I can do up, so my goal is now to get my arse ( skinnier arse/tummy )fitting into them nicely so I have clothes to wear in winter. 

How will I get this weight off. Good healthy eating and exercise, SO! Once back from Dunedin the exercise needs to kick in, as the food is pretty much on par. So Tuesday back from dunedin, gym you and me have a date! Rpm class here I come. :-) 

I plan to my skinny by summer and under 80kgs

Saturday 23 March 2013

Weigh in day

Are you ready !!!

I lost 700 grams !! I am stoked made my goal of 500 grams a week !!!

Only ate my daylies ( I cycle them up and down each day) and earned 13 exercise points :)

On a even better note we finally own out section in Millwater :)

Thursday 21 March 2013


Yesterday I did not make it to the gym, I had issue with my stomach not to pleasant and I felt like I had been run over by a truck and then hit by something else.

I am a bit better today but not dealing with the stress of the house to well at the moment, on the plus side I am not eating these stress feelings.

I AM going for a 7 odd km walk tonight with a friend to try and pound out my frustrations about things.

I WILL never ever build a house again!

That is all for now.

TTOM is definatly on its way.. the scales tell me so!

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Pizza for dinner last night - gym today to counter balance

I went to a friends to visit they have a new born, and he is cute as a button, I got to feed and cuddle him etc. We ended up staying for dinner and we ordered pizza, I got mine thin crust, had 4 pieces possibly 1 to many, = 20 points and a wee few wedges = 3 points, making me over my dailies and I used some of my weeklies. SO today to counter this I need to go to the gym, hoping to do a a 30 min walk and then 30 mins weight and 30 mins ab class. Not next week ( hair appt)  but the week after I am going to do a 30 min run class followed by a 30 min pump class and see how I cope with it.

I would like to get my running back to 5 kms in 35 min runs and then look to possible run 7-10 kms once a week. I miss running and I miss being that fit.

House.. WAITING on the mortgage man to sort himself out and get the paper work back to the lawyer so we can sign, then draw down the money and pay the bloody people! We do have until Monday, but common man it was possibly going to be last Friday and HE told me they would have had it yesterday.
Yes I am impatient BUT I have been waiting 6 months for this. So I am completley over it!

TTOM is on its way.. scales have jumped up a fair bit since Sunday, but hoping that it will all sort itself out by Saturday.

Monday 18 March 2013

When it CLICKS

I AM there.. I am ready I want this..

Last night I was looking at photos of myself at 80-85 kgs and I look so much slimmer and happier. SO I am going back there. I am going to do this. How.... I need to give up sugar and chocolate. CHOCOLATE is just the worst for me.. and when I say give up I really mean cut down. I eat far to much for the stuff. I need to find my love for exercise and get back to running or gym-ing 5-6 times a week. I am going for a walk tonight weather that be at the gym our outside. Wednesday I am going to the gym and Thursday as well.

I can do this..

Watch this space...

Saturday 16 March 2013

New start

93.8 kgs

Today is the beginning of the last stretch of my journey .. I have a ultimate goal of 77kilos.
But first aiming for 91 kgs 2-3 kg chunks. And then keeping them off, I can do this and now I know "why" things haven't worked for the past year and a bit I can go back to what works and it will come off :) bring on 91 kgs :) and cricket being finished so I can stay for meetings and exercise again in Saturdays :-)

I have to believe in myself, trust in my choices and own them. I also have a bridesmaids dress and wedding to get ready for ( my brothers next may)

Friday 15 March 2013

Drawing a line

Tomorrow I will go to my meeting and draw a line in the sand and weigh in. Then the goal is SLIM by Summer ! ( or when we move into our house.) I can do this, small chunks. I am aiming for 500 grams a week and to eventually be back to 5-6 days of exercise a week. I can do this, I know I can 2 years ago I was doing this awesomely. SO I CAN DO IT AGAIN !! 

Scales will be kind if I do the right thing by my body. 

I also need to start eating a few different things as well, as the last week I have lived of tinned fish and salad for lunch and fish fillets and salad for dinner ( dont like upsetting my tummy and this doesn't) but I need variety. 

Today I had a protein shake for breakfast and I have a tuna salad for lunch. I have yoghurt and a few other good choices in there as well. I can do this. I know I can. 

Thursday 14 March 2013

The want has to be great enough

After a very long in my own head conversation with myself I have come to the realisation that I have to want to lose this weight enough to not eat extra things and to be disciplined enough to stay with in my points budget. I can do this.. I know I can and even just "being good" over the last two days my weight is dropping back.
Monday I was 94.8 today I am 94.5 ( its not a lot) but its better than nothing, My lowest weight this year on the home scales has been 93.6 which was just after my operation. I now have some goals in mind and one of them is just to get back to exercising 5-6 times a week as I was doing right before I ended up in the hospital. I love the gym and I have a routine for that. With W's cricket season coming to an end I am thinking I can now get saturday and sunday exercise in as well, even if they are just a good long walk or a short run.

I still have stitches they are slowly dissolving but if I over do anything they pull and hurt. But I have decided I want to go back to rpm and pump next week, just one class of each to get me moving again and 2 walks. then the week after add another gym class etc etc until I am back to 5-6 days a week of exercise. I would love to get to the point where its everyday, but some nights when I get home from my job I am shattered. Teaching little people is exhausting.

House side things are improving we have a settlement date of the 25th of March. But this may be brought forward once the ducks get into their row. Just bathroom things to choose and then we are sorted pretty much and can have a colour consultation with the Stonewood people.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

The large need to pull ones head in!!

I am eating far far to much sugary crap!!! I need to just stop. So today I have 1 pp allocated to 1 small mini chocolate and that is it!

I am going for a 30 min walk and next week I will add one or two gym classes back in to my routine and well get this weight off.. ONLY I can do it and its my choices that impact the decision.

I can do this..

POSITIVE -- we have a title and should settle on Friday !
YAY Finally !!

Saturday 9 March 2013

Ops I slept through my meeting !!

So so tired I slept through my meeting. That's ok I can sorry it all out and go back next week :)

Title is fine so on Monday hopefully we will be all go to settle on Friday and own our land. Snails pace I tell you! The building of the house better be mods bloody swift !!

Feeling better but still very tired, was at school the last two days :) slowly getting back to myself hoping to add a few walks in next week.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Sun on the horizon.. well I hope

The lawyer emailed me. They have the title, just waiting for the easements and consents attached to it. There are about 4/5 of them, this bit makes me uncomfortable as I am like what could they be and as this has been a long enough road I worry we wont make it there in the end. This building a house thing is not for the faint hearted at all it will drive you insane if you let it.

So I will await the lawyer to call or to check the issues and let us know. I am hoping!! He has remembered to send the kiwisaver stuff off as well, as I will be pissed if he hasn't as that is a HOLE lot of money we can take off the mortgage in the end.

The day I was admitted to hospital I weighed in that morning at home at 95.8 kgs, today I weighed myself 93.6 kgs thats -2.2 kgs in 10 days.. I am one happy little camper, may it continue and may my weight finally drop into the 80's and never see the 90's ever again ( well maybe if I get pregnant one day that might be ok MAYBE).

I am feeling good, had a nausea attack after dinner last night nearly killed me I was so upset and in pain that I couldn't think straight thank god for W going ... PILLS take them !! He really is a good fella to me. Hoping that I can head back to work tomorrow.. I am bored and the title stuff is eating me alive I just want it sorted so I can move forward.. either finish choosing colours etc OR flag the hole bloody thing and buy a house!

Ill be back later to fill you all in on the house stuff as we learn more.. :)

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Home on the mend but going a bit batty

I am going a little bonkers! I hate being at home but after about 4 hours I am shattered just from watching TV and making myself coffee/food. :( I need to go back to work I miss my kids and my friends at school. So I am hoping Thursday I can manage to get back there to my kiddies and get myself on the mend. Some how I see myself being rather tired by the weekend.

On the plus side my weight is going down, might have something to do with the lack of eating, yesterday was the first day I ate properly, 6 small meals as I can't eat a lot as I feel nauseated etc very quickly, but I am noticing I can eat a little more each time, still get nauseated and feel like crap for eating but you have to eat etc. Apparently its a 6 month turn around from operation to feeling/eating back to normal healthy low fat diet ( fat is not a good option as it can cause bile dumping and that causes all sorts of issues).

On that note, now the gallbladder is gone my weight shift, as it can be a huge reason for weight gain and things. So hopefully all my hard work over jan and feb will continue once I am good to go and it will melt off. I really can not wait to get back walking and then back to the gym, but at the moment I get tired very quickly so walking can wait a bit longer as well.

Other than that. We have a title for our house now waiting for the lawyer to call me back, from FRIDAY..not happy I called again today and now waiting again. He best call me back I want to know when we settle etc etc so we can get this bloody house built so I can finally live with my boy in "our" home and we can be a wee family and have our own address etc... yes I am batty but thats important to me!